Phillips Community Pool offers a wide variety of classes and programs, from swimming lessons to aerobic classes. You're sure to find a fun and challenging workout that's appropriate for your level of learning or fitness.
We currently offer the following classes:
About Our Staff: We aim to have a maximum ratio of one teacher for every eight students during school age classes and one teacher for every six students during preschool classes. Depending on class size and ability, additional assistants may also be assigned.
Picking the Right Class: If you are unsure which class to take, then either: Review the class descriptions to see if you can confidently meet the requirements of that class, or Contact the Pool to take an informal skills test. Instructors also evaluate all participants on the first day of class to assure students are registered for the most appropriate level. Finding your perfect class will offer you the greatest amount of support as you are learning.
Parent Involvement: Parents provide their children with enhanced confidence and greater ease in learning the skills when they spend time swimming with their children. Additionally, parents are welcome to watch their swimmers during lessons from designated areas. Please remove your shoes when watching from pool decks.
Registration: Payment is required on the first day of class, and scholarships are available by contacting the Aquatics Director in advance of the class. We reserve the right to cancel and combine classes as needed, and will notify you of such changes prior to the class start. Should you register and then decide to not participate, please contact us immediately so that your spot may be given to the next family on the waitlist.
Summer 2024 Session II - Preschool Only (ages 3-5): July 30-Aug 15 | Tuesday AND Thursday Evenings (shortened 3-week session)
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